
Miss Remy

Miss Remy (she/her) is an Oracle and ordained High Priestess of the Goddess Selene, Psychic Medium, a Reiki Master/Teacher, Healer and Eclectic Witch. Her honest give-it-to-me-straight attitude, vast and varied knowledge, compassion and sense of humor make her an asset for our store, our customers and our community. Remy is originally from Oakland CA; however, she has lived in Portland for more than 10 years. An active member of the greater Portland Pagan community; she is a current President of Other World of Wonders and is a well-known and seasoned community ritualist.

Miss Remy has been studying and practicing magick for more than half her lifetime. She is an Oracular and Tantric Priestess, a healer, eclectic Bruja and Kitchen Witch. She has a great and deep knowledge of many forms of magick and healing that she uses to help and assist people. Miss Remy has a firm belief that “we create our reality with the stories we tell and believe.” And that we can cultivate our beliefs and stories to create the life we dream of. Miss Remy is an empath, psychic medium, intuitive oracle reader and a trance possession Oracle, channeling her patroness, the Goddess Selene. She uses her intuition and gift of empathy to help customers get their needs and questions met.

Miss Remy has profound Empathic and Claircognizant gifts, providing her with deep feel and knowing. She has been using her talents professionally as a Psychic/Medium, Oracle Reader, Reiki Master/Teacher and Ordained Priestess for 14 years. Using her gifts to counsel, advise and assist clients as Great Spirt directs.

She uses a combination of oracle cards, empathy, Reiki and psychic intuition to provide deep and meaningful readings and healings with her clients.

Miss Remy offers the following services in person on Wednesdays or by phone.

Intuitive Oracle
• 60 minute session: $100
• 30 minute session: $60