Reading of the Week - September 25, 2023

We have our Community Reading of the Week! This reading comes from Jenny who is using the Cosma Visions Oracle by James R. Eads.

Ten of Lotuses
Lotuses grow out of the mud, and we're very practiced at blooming in adverse circumstances; it's a powerful skill, to be able to rise despite an unstable foundation. Most people don't see our tenacity, only our blooming, because our blooming is glorious.

The Weaver
Here's the thing, whatever struggles we've had and may still be having, they are only a part of the tapestry of our lives. No single thread tells the whole story and often we can't tell what the picture is going to be until the end. So embrace the knowing that our stories are bigger than where we've been.

Six of Trees
Stability, abundance, plenty, joy, these are all possible, truly. If we help each other. These boons are achievable through cooperation, in community. An open hand not only gives, but can also receive. How can we share our resources and help each other reach that beautiful garden?

You can find out more about Jenny, and book your own session with her either by phone or in person at the store here: